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Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area Restoration

UBC will fund completion of the design work and early implementation of river restoration on the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area.

The Blackfoot River WMA is a property owned by Idaho Department of Fish and Game in Caribou County, approximately 18 miles northeast of Soda Springs, located upstream of Blackfoot Reservoir. The project reach is 5.8 miles long on the Blackfoot River between Diamond Creek Road at the upstream end and the WMA property boundary at the downstream end.


Project Objectives:
1. Decrease stream temperatures
2. Decrease fish predation (i.e. pelicans)
3. Prevent further incision and encourage a self-sustaining aggrading channel
4. Decrease fine sediment loading in downstream section of reach
5. Reactivate floodplains and remnant channels
6. Increase pool habitat
7. Maintain navigability


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Blackfoot River WMA (1).png

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