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Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area Restoration  2021

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UBC is providing funding to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) for an ambitious, multi-year project to restore the six-mile reach of the Blackfoot River that flows through the IDFG’s wildlife management area (WMA).  UBC was the initial underwriter of the project’s design work but is now just one of several funders for the project’s implementation phase.


The Blackfoot River WMA is located approximately 18 miles northeast of Soda Springs and includes the uppermost reach of the Blackfoot River, immediately downstream of the confluence of Lanes and Diamond Creek.


IDFG broke ground on the project in late 2019 and conducted restoration work on 2 miles in 2021.  The 2021 work will continue to focus on stabilizing eroding streambanks to reduce sediment reaching the river, placing trees and boulders in the stream and along the banks to provide more diverse habitat for trout, constructing riffles, and planting willows.  


When completed this will be one of the largest stream restoration projects in Idaho and will give a major boost to the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area’s habitat for Yellowstone cutthroat trout.


Project Objectives:
1. Decrease stream temperatures
2. Decrease fish predation (i.e. pelicans)
3. Prevent further incision and encourage a self-sustaining aggrading channel
4. Decrease fine sediment loading in downstream section of reach
5. Reactivate floodplains and remnant channels
6. Increase pool habitat
7. Maintain navigability





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