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Diamond Creek State Lands Project

UBC has supported efforts by Trout Unlimited and partners to develop a project to re- route Diamond Creek back into its historical channel on a parcel of state land in Upper Diamond Creek. Currently, the stream flows through an artificial channel that is straightened and incised, which limits instream and riparian habitat and increases erosion and sediment deposition into Diamond Creek. Returning the stream to its historical meandering channel to the north will reconnect the steam to its floodplain,
resulting in restored hydrologic function, recovery of riparian vegetation, and increased groundwater storage and groundwater/surface water exchange. This will directly benefit Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and other native fish, amphibians, and terrestrial species.


In 2020 we propose to continue our efforts to move this project forward by engaging the grazing less on the state land parcel and the Idaho Dept. of Lands to address the permittee’s concerns. Our hope is that we can secure buy-in from all parties to move
forward, and then finalize designs and a cost estimate and begin fundraising for implementation. If we are successful construction will begin in 2021.

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