Lanes Creek Project
A U.S. Forest Service Project
In September 2013, U.S. Forest Service leaders attending the UBC field trip were able to inspect our restoration work on Upper Lanes Creek. As one of two tributaries that form the Upper Blackfoot River, Upper Lanes Creek is critical Yellowstone cutthroat trout habitat. To date, UBC’s most significant restoration efforts have focused there. Later that fall, these U.S. Forest Service leaders recommended undertaking restoration work on upstream tributaries in order to enhance UBC’s ongoing Upper Lanes Creek restoration efforts. These upstream tributaries, located in the Caribou National Forest, are crossed by two recreational trails. Trail #088 crosses three perennial tributaries to Lanes Creek. Trail #022, which ties into Trail #088 and parallels the main stream of Lanes Creek, crosses the stream in an additional three locations and also encroaches on Lanes Creek. These crossings and encroachment contribute to unstable steam banks, riparian degradation, and erosion. Through the Lanes Creek Riparian and Recreational Trail Improvements Project, the U.S. Forest Service is undertaking restoration work that will address erosion, improve water quality and trout habitat, and enhance the ongoing UBC restoration work downstream.
Reduce erosion and restore water quality in Lanes Creek by constructing bridges at a total of 6 ATV trail crossings on Trail #088 and Trail #022.
Restore riparian and floodplain function by relocating sections of Trail #022 that currently encroach on Lanes Creek.
Repair degraded and eroding stream banks.
Project Partners
UBC is partnering with the U.S. Forest Service by providing funds that will be used for the work on the main stem Lanes Creek. UBC will also provide the requisite matching funds to leverage the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation funds for work on the upstream tributaries.