Sheep Creek Fence and Stream Protection
UBC is funding the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to construct a fence along a 0.8 mile reach of Sheep Creek, a key spawning stream in the headwaters of the Blackfoot River. The project is part of a long-term partnership with the Bear Lake Grazing Association.
The wildlife-friendly post-and-rail fence along Sheep Creek will protect existing habitat and to provide a buffer for passive and active habitat recovery. Some portions of the project area currently provide fair instream and riparian habitat; however, most of the project area can greatly benefit from passive recovery treatments.
A similar restoration effort implemented a few years ago upstream of the Lanes Creek Road contributed to a significant increase in trout spawning.
Expected benefits
Immediate protections to quality habitat existing in channel and riparian areas.
Allowance of passive recover in impaired reaches with project area.
Increased ability for lateral channel migration and off-channel microhabitat formation​
Enhancement of riparian vegetation community biomass and diversity.
Creation of riparian buffer will trap excess fine sediment and nutrient load budgets.
Reduced sedimentation of areas with suitable spawning and incubation gravels.​
Reduced sedimentation of areas containing substrates providing cover and forage for young-of-year Yellowstone cutthroat trout (YCT).
Passive recovery of Sheep Creek will promote more natural stream behavior, this producing improved spawning and early rearing conditions for YCT.
Fence exclosure creates opportunity to implement (with protections) active stream habitat treatments in project area.
Project is designed to promote traditional land use practices in adjacent uplands with meaningful benefits to YCT.
Builds on the existing good working relationship with livestock producers in the basin.
Photo credit: Idaho Fish and Game